I've had this one question in the back of my mind for awhile.
There always seem to be quality WindowBlinds being uploaded to the WC Gallery Library but only a few ever have themed skins made to go wiith them, either by the WB skinner or other community skinners.
Is this a case of skinners not asking for permission or is permission from the WB skinners not being given?
Is the community losing skinners or the interest in doing theme skins or could it be a question of quality vs quantity?
I know that as a user of the software, (non-skinner), I can go through the libraries and pull together like or complimentary skins to make a nice desktop, but it's not the same as a themed desktop.
As an example, Stardock/WinCustomize releases Subscriber skins, really, they do, but you hardly ever see, is any, themed skins other than those included.
Yes, this thread is all about ME, I'm looking for more themes so I can make Theme Manager Suites.