I don't know if he's a reporter, journalist, entertainer, or on a mission from God based on a devine revelation. His statement that the worst possible thing that could happen to him would be to 'return to his heavenly father without honor 'would seem to imply that whatever his faith dictates by divine revelation is what he will and must follow. Are you being led by a talkshow host, a reporter, or a someone on a religous crusade ? I don't know if he was trying to martyr himself with those statements or just misdirect and he is, bottom line, a network puppet that will fuel whatever fire that keeps the ratings up. Our society shows that we like the negative, inflammatory stuff. The secrets. The dirty stuff. You wouldn't have so many tabloid papers, TV shows and websites making the money they do if we didn't. The more 'spectacular' the cover, the
How many time do u need to shoot this guy... understand, I agree with some of the things you say regarding how he goes about things.
Having said that, really doesn't matter to me, what engrosses me and I'm sure a majority of the audience is what he presents and not how it is presented.
Obama should take comfort that Beck does sometimes come off this way and if Beck was more savvy he would take a more direct, less theatrical route to his ends.
Right now what credibilty he has is definately stiffled some by his presentation. He's shooting himself and giving rise to rampant blogosphere criticism by acting out the way he does.
Perhaps he thinks the facts alone will not substantiate the show and feels compelled to dramatize it, perhaps, but I think any show presenting the same information in a more sane manor would warrant as much viewership.
reeeeeeegardless, it matter not to me, i watch for the punchlines , not the dramatic build up to them.
Once one seperates the two and starts basing their decisions on the material presented, to me at least.. I see a lot of things I do not like.
I'll say this too... There are poor people all over the world, It's a fact of life.. everyone does not get to share the pie. Deal with it.
I would rather live in a country, poor, (and I am) but with a chance at making it big (Via hard work) than any country where the Govt. puts limits on how much I can make and breasts feeds me my choice of doctors, rights and liberties.
Beck is NOT the only one talking about it.