Tomorrow morning [Friday, Aus time] I'm on a plane to the US and Canada. All things going well [the US doesn't chuck me out for being unintelligible] I'll be visiting all the great guys and gals at Stardock HQ.
Yay for me..... It's been a loooong time coming. I've known these guys for about a decade so it'll be a 'buzz' to finally catch up with them in 'Real Life' [tm].
In all of my history with skinners/skinning I've only met 3 skinners before, all of whom were from Oz, like this will likely be sensory overload [or something]...
I have a beat-up old laptop that'll hopefully keep me in contact here on my travels....and if I get a chance on the road I'll try to post the odd pic or two, but I'll likely not be on quite as frequently/long as is usual.
If you've the inclination to PM or otherwise contact me re issues with Wincustomize and/or its inhabitants it may be a better bet for the next few weeks to badger Island Dog in lieu.....[he yearns for your contact]....
Hopefully I can get one or two group mug-shots at Stardock on the 16th to show you what an ugly - er - wonderful bunch of people they all are....
Take care of each other...I'll be busy taking photos....