Oh yes... And like the Wiz, take typing/spelling lessons from Zubaz.
Darn,now my secret is out.
No, No Wizard you have it all wrong,
That's not the first time I've heard that,nor will it be the last.

Did I get a tiny bit right at least?
Hows this. From THIS thread.
Master (5)
Masters are the true elders of the community. People who have been around for ages. To be a Master, not only must the user be a significant contributor to the community, but be a key figure in the ongoing health and growth of the community. A Master must think of WinCustomize as their primary home in the skinning world. Masters, in addition to being able to bypass moderation, can also sell their skins directly to users through WinCustomize.
It says significant contributor,nowhere does it state what must be contributed.Will quality screenshots make you a "key figure in the ongoing health and growth of the community"? I for one see no reason why not.