Tell me how you do the dock on the left screen margain, killer!
Thanks bunches for the props Doc! Those are just my tabs broken down from the default multiple of five to a single, then stretched from default vertical to a horizontal orientation. Very easy to do.
Each tab is a single Dock Doc ........Make a tabbed dock, delete all but one tab, push or pull the edges until it's the size You want it, repeat for as many tabs as You want, and then line them up next to each other. You will notice that some Dock sets will have them labeled single, others don't, but most, depending on the design or the pattern can be used in this way with some exceptions because of the pattern and how it is configured to stretch or tile
Yep Fred's instructions is exactly how it's done. And he's also correct that some OD packages have single tabs clearly labled, while others don't.
I just slim them down to save space.
Thanks so much for the help explaining this Fred!
I couldn't have put it any better!
"Dock Doc"
it's an absolute stunner cp
Aw thanks Syd