Howdy Folk, firstly to to Wincustomise, thank you folks ever so much, for deciding to put this site in a place where I saw it, joined up and never, ever looked back, this is one helluva community and you folks run a beautiful ship, thanks WC for everything, I mean that, thank you ever so much....Whooooooooeeeeeeeeeee 25th SSOTD........Whoop Hot Diggity Dawg....this is quite a milestone for me, I'd like to thank all of the people who have supported me, this is way wicked cool of you to do this....I know I'm quite a modest bloke, I mean it wasn't my fault I was born with the body and face of an adonis, although I must admit I do look at myself a lot Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.....anyway I digress, this is my 25th SSOTD, I have had 3 in a row twice, and the biggest milestone of them all I got my Apprentice status, so bottom line, just to brag on my 1/4 of a century in SSOTD's, My apprenticeship.....and my huge amounts of love and respect for the people of this communtiy and Wincustomise, thank the Lord I found this site, it has restored my faith, since the accident back in the commom man,.....thank you, thank you all so much....lotsa love and repect...the Thugerino...your friend and family member.... Whoop Hot Diggity Dawg on a chilly Tuesday afternon with a glass of bourbon in my hand what a momentous occasion.....cheers all