Okay I have done some checking on Theme Manager and the Suites function and here is what I found. They do work on XP Home 32 bit and Vista Home Premium 64 bit.
Before trying to apply a Theme Manager Suite click on setting and make sure that you select 'I want to see advance option when applying suites'. Then select a Suite to apply, click on the skins you want to apply keeping in mind XP vs Vista. Then apply the suite/skins.
Now this is where some of you may see a problem, the wallpaper may apply but nothing else. If there is a CursorFX skin go to the CursorFX program and see if it download. What I have found is that the skins are downloading but not applying. (This is where an update is needed).
I know that Theme Manager is supposed to download and apply the suite, but folks it ain't working. I'm sorry for that, but out of my control. I think if you check the skins included in the suite they will have been downloaded and it will take a few extra step to get them applied.
I've been holding off on doing new Suites waiting for the much anticipated update to the Stardock programs. Can't wait, I need to get back to doing suites.
I hope this helps those of you that are having problems.