The average person farts somewhere between 12-16 times per day
Um, don't wanna brag or anything...but try 40 - 50 times a day... more in Summer. Must be the heat! 
Men and women fart the same amount,
Although most women would deny this. Did you know the reason we don't often see/hear/smell women fart is because of the "chamber." Be warned, however, the linked video clip has sounds and images that may leave some permanently and emotionally scarred... please view at your own risk. Also, for those who dare, it might be a good idea to turn down the volume on your speakers.

The rumor is that if you hold your farts in during the day and suppress the natural tendency to release gas, then you will release all that pent up gas in your sleep.
Now while I can see the fun in that (dutch ovens), I see no logical reason to save up farts during the day. Apart from causing belly ache and discomfort, it is unnatural and would restrict many wonderful opportunities to share: eg, in elevators, etc. Besides, if one regularly consumes a healthy diet of curried cabbage, there is NO need to save up farts during the day for dutch ovens at night.

Shaunna, therefore is far safer than most as we all know starkers never holds them in.
Um, you sure 'bout that?? You are, after all, speaking about the greatest exponent of the starkerbark the World has ever known.

You can see farts in the air when it's really cold outside.
And in some cases they're so rich you can cut 'em with a knife.