Ah, but what if NOTHING is sacred to Google's new OS... and EVERYTHING is fair game???
I mean, given Google's spying reputation, are you really going to trust their new OS not to pry into data you'd rather they NOT see?
I'd not post it.
There is a difference between posting something on the internet and putting something in a folder that can be read/seen by an OS that phones home. As things stand, Google has to wait for you to go on-line before it can data mine/track your movements, but with its own 'phone home' OS its ability to snoop it infinitely multiplied. And placing trust in Google's privacy policy is foolhardy to say the least... it does NOT give away 'so-called' free stuff out of the goodness of its heart.
Google is in the business of amassing as much advertising revenue as it can, and yours and everyone else's data is used to compile demographic charts, etc, to target the general public with what it wants to sell rather than what the public may otherwise want.
Google already collects and stores personal data illegally/without consent..
.Huh? They have their privacy policy on every page. (http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacy_highlights.html) And they are not *taking* your data . . you are giving it to them. The police don't need a warrant if you let them look around.
Sorry starkers . . that argument doesn't fly.
I do NOT give Google personal information... nor the consent to use it, yet Google has pages of data on me, as a recent forum thread here revealed. Shit, they even know my real name... and I certainly didn't give it to them. So much for their privacy policy!!
Furthermore, I am NOT giving Google information when I visit WC, DA or any other site, yet google analytics is there watching, data mining at every page load. That is my personal business... my relationship with those particular sites, yet google analytics knows my IP address, location and what I'm looking at. So tell me, if you can, how that is respecting my privacy?
I did NOT send Google an open invitation to pry into my surfing habits... so yes, they DO need a warrant/court order to "look around". Do they have one? No, they do not!!! So yes, my argument does fly.
Furthermore, I get targetted with specific 'localised' ads whenever I'm not signed in here at WC. For example, I made mention of being bitten by a spider in a thread started by Karmagirl (as I recall), and for some time after that, if I got signed out for some reason or other, I'd get pest control ads for Australian pest control companies on just about every page. There are other examples, but that one comes to mind particularly because I made mention of it and jokingly wanted to know who at Stardock had shares in Aussie pest control.
And while on the subject of unwanted ads, when I did use Google products and services way back when, my email boxes were constantly being inundated with advertising spam/junk mails wanting to sell me shit I didn't want or need. Now being that I hate advertising with a passion and was told Google was the likely source, I uninstalled the 'phone home' google bar and other products, stopped using google search entirely, and now I rarely get unsoloicited emails. I still get the occasional fly-by spam that millions of others get also, but for the most part I'm spam free and not deleting 20 - 30 spam-mails a day.
I don't want or need advertising - which is why I rarely watch TV, with constant ads and reality shows aimed at selling you stuff - if I want or need something I go into stores and open my peepers, ask questions and research products/companies at my own volition when I'm ready to buy... I don't need some jumped-up advertising exec telling me what I want and giving me only so many days to purchase it a X-amount.