What is one to do when something they have given their all for turns around and kicks them in the ass?
Accusations/ blame are being thrown around here and some of you have played a small part in my tantrum.
Do you think I just decided to throw away almost a decade of pixel pushing over what you all think to be silly matters?
I love skinning and will continue to do so. I just couldn't support something any loner that doesn't support me back.
I really didn't think I mattered but the support I have recieved from a bunch of you has been overwhelming. I tried to do it silently and I don't appreciate the tone that I am out for drama. I made 1 last necessary post before leaving and that was it. Had the comments labled "please remove" had been removed then there wouldn't have been any drama. Noone would have known and I could be enjoying a Heiny right this second. People could have left links to my works if they felt it was noteworthy.... just like people have done for years here. Remove links if you feel necessary but the last words I heard from someone here was.... What's good for skinning is good for all skinning ( or something like that ).
Brad was clear. If anyone takes down their work in huff and storms away, they would be exiled. PERIOD. I expected to get exiled so I know what I was doing. It was thought out. I knew I would come back, Getting exiled was the way to go..for me.
This isn't about me and another skinner as some of you would hope. I would never feed someone elses ego that way.
In the last few days leading to my departure, alot happened. Some personal issues between members and issues with the way it was handled. I honestly feel as if I was being taunted and baited by someone , actually I was and am convinced of it. I believe Jafo would have an idea what I mean as I previously discussed a matter with him. A series of tiny steps is all it was.
If any mod would like to discuss this civily, please email me at craig @ cdoman.com. I don't expect it but I owe it to some friends that just won't give up and myself.