The green reminds me of Arizona Green Tea, for some reason
Probably cos they use green too
I wanted to get far away from typical, something more contemporary, something different. 
Start Button? Maybe that cup of coffee with mouse-over steam wafting up? Like the coffee bean idea too. Might blend those lines at the bottom of the Start menu...just me, but I don't really like lines.
Coffee cup might be the best idea, a cigar, just doesnt sit well with me, a donut a bit whimsical and a bean.. seems a little indistinct. Will think on it a while, sometimes the start button comes as a revelation half way thru.
What does everyone else feel about the pinstriped areas?
Is this a free WB or another Master skin?
Master Skin, when I can afford not to make Master skins, every skin I make will be free.
I like the color combination. And the glyphs. Can't wait to get my filthy hands on it...
soon enough ya damn dirty ape