Here is a rough draft of a letter that I am working on. It might help to explain the direction I wish to go in. All feedback is appreciated.
Dear (insert company name),
My name is Craig Oman. I represent a new group of concerned citizens Our I am writing to you to inform you of a serious problem that is directly related to your business practice and how it affects the future of mankind.
There is currently a massive trash vortex forming in the North Pacific Ocean. You can find some basic information at the following web address.
My purpose in writing to you is to give you a chance to assist in getting this cleaned up. I have initiated a petition in hopes of gaining power to get companies like yours involved in the cleanup. I would hope that this can be done with your complete cooperation and boycotts of your goods are not necessary but I and the millions of concerned citizens that have signed my petition are ready to do what it takes to make this happen.
Why your company?
Your company has the wealth and power to make this happen. Your packaged goods have directly added to this problem over the years and now it is time to clean up the mess that has been generated by the products you sell. This isn’t about profit. It is about responsibility towards all mankind and our future.
Companies such as yours spend millions of dollars on advertising each year. This is a marketing opportunity for you that I believe you should not ignore. You can sell the fact that you are doing what it takes to clean up this mess and in return gain public respect rather than suffer from repercussions of ignoring the problem.
We are a small group right now but we are working hard to spread the word about this serious problem that will affect generations to come if not tended to today.
We hope that you see the urgency involved and would hope that you head this off and do the right thing.
We anxiously await a response as enough time has been wasted. Let us work together with a fresh perspective and new hope for our future.
**** MY goal right now is to get a letter out within the next week. So pleas please please add your name to the list.