Oh, come on, Starkers. This is not the first time in history a presidential candidate was clueless and let his little head do the thinking for him
Ah, so that's why he found it difficult to put a coherent sentence together and 'dribbled' some (a lot) during the election campaign... his big head was taking instructions from his little head?

It sure made things easy on comedians during the election, and anything that gets me to laugh is a good thing in my book.
Yeah, that's about the strength of it. Politicians are comedian fodder and fair game, so why not have a laugh at their expense. Personally, I had a ball during the last US election... Sarah Palin was a constant source of amusement and provided ample joke opportunities. The 'bridge to nowhere' and "I can see Russia from my bedroom window" were classic comedian fodder, and I wasn't backward in coming forward there.

While it's true I didn't fancy her as VP (I thought she was/is too scatter-brained to wield that much power if McCain became incapacitated or died in office), I didn't dislike her as a person and pretty much everything I said (as above) was done with tongue-in-cheek, which is why I left McCain's war record/POW status alone. While others were taking pot shots, it was off limits for me... war is ugly and nobody should ever be a POW. Politicians may be fair game, but some things should never be made a joke of, and that was one of them.