Here is another important key fact, we didn't get to where we are today overnight, to correct our collective problems will also not happen overnight. In a way that's okay, gives us a little time to make sure we are making the right corrections or 'changes' to get back to the basics
Unfortunately, we are daily flooded with the next "must do emergency" with the main goal so that no one has time to count for accountability.
The emergency stimulus had to be rushed through so that "unemployment would not go over 8%" Hmmmm, how did that work out?
We had to sign the Bank and TARP bills so that the banks could get the "toxic" assets off the books. In case you haven't noticed, they still have them and the program has been a bust.
The Home Mortgage act would freexe and start to reverse foreclosure through refinanacing etc. Today, 12715 homes have been refinanced through this program and the May foreclose rate was at all al time high. Hmmmmm, not working to well.
But skip all that, we have to get the health care through in a real rush to save trillions! Hurry, hurry hurry, act now, don't delay!