What I would like to see in the latest version is the ability of ObjectDock to save the positions of your Docks for a given resolution. I've had software change my resolution (games mostly) automatically because it didn't support my res and when I stop using the software and my resolution is restored my Docks are all f'd up and I have to manually reposition them. Maybe many of you are only using a few so it doesn't matter too much, but I have one separate tab for each category of apps I use (8 in total). Yes, I know I can make one tabbed dock with 8 tabs. I don't like it that way. Anyway, it would just be nice to have it save the positions manually adjusted by the user at a given resolution and restore them when changing back to that resolution.
Oh, on another note/rant. I totally agree with the user who has poor vision. My vision is fine but there can be a huge issues in asthetics and useability when a program doesn't respect the system defined settings. Text colored too similarly to the background and UI's which have hardcoded layout sizes are the most common issues I see in software UI. Don't bother changing the DPI in windows because you'll only be able to read the text which doesn't overflow out of the layout. This is necessary for me because I use a large screen TV for my monitor and sit ~7ft (eye to screen distance) away from it, but I imagine this would be accessibility issue as well as many people need to increase the size of the font due to poor vision. I realize it is probably difficult to have a pane adjusted to the width of some text, font metrics are quite complex as I understand it. But once it's done it's done and can be applied to all your software UI.
Stardock's software is supposed to allow you to customize your UI so it will look -good- and be -useable-. Useability is even one of the criteria that WindowBlinds were being judged upon during the contests as I recall. I can understand the desire to have a uniform interface across the product line and that's great. But accessibility, usability, and asthetics all have to factor in equally and should all be of paramount concern to Stardock.
As a final note. I'm not trying to bash Stardock. I love your software and have used it for years. Regardless, these issues (accessibility, useability, asthetics) need to be addressed and should be part of some sort of mantra for any company involved in UI software. If you actually read all of this: Thanks for putting up with my rants!