I blame skinhit. If you say that you will feel so very much better
I tried that and it didn't work. All I got for repeatedly saying "I blame Skinhit" was a dry mouth.
Bugger, and I don't have any shandies to lubricate with. 
In the meantime, however, I have given it some thought and have decided to sue the ex-missus for my gall stones. It was all that greasy food she served me up... and I want recompense for all my pain and suffering... not to merntion revenge, cos not all my pain and suffering is the direct result of food, greasy or otherwise.
Yup, my ex could burn water, so I reckon there's a suit in that alone... but it's mostly for the time with the exploding boiled eggs. Physical and emotional injuries were sustained that time. I couldn't sleep that night because every time I closed my eyes I was ducking flying eggs... and eventually the ducking became so pronounced that I fell out of bed.
So, to go with my black eye from a flying egg, and a sprained wrist from falling off the step-ladder while cleaning eggs off the ceiling, I now had a bruised butt from falling out of bed... and they do say revenge is sweet. Now the suit will not seek any money because she probably has none worth mentioning, so I'll seek a court order that places her in an room with a tennis ball launcher firing hard boiled eggs that'll bounce all around the room, just like hers did... and air-tight except for the vents streaming curried gabbage gas into it.