I find this curried cabbage WB idea totally amazing, given it started as a bit of fun in the 'Joe User-Joke User" thread (which I and a few others pirated) a couple of years back. At the time I had no idea the Curried cabbage thing would take on a life of its own... but here we are today, perpetuating its existence with thoughts of creating a dedicated skin. Who knows, it could even become a community suite with a range of curried cabbage components to grace even the most discerning ripper's desktop... docks, Xion and/or Winamp, icons, a cursor, Winstep Xtreme, right click and so on... and I wonder if our dear friend Fairyy~ could be persuaded to do some DX components, even a Rainy???
We know that if farting is involved, RedNeckDude 'll jump at the chance. And I'm sure Messiah1 can produce a few squeakers... and Bilbo a couple of DX rippers.... so how about it people? No need to get your hands dirty... and the smell-o-vision component would be added AFTER your contributions..... to prevent fainting spells mid-pixel.... SkinStudio taking a fit: "Sorry, SkinStudio has met with an unexpected error and has to close." And I suppose in the bigger picture, family members may take exception to the smell and banish you and your puter to the garage or garden shed. So the smerll-o-vision is out until the rest is completed... tho I thought lick-o-vision could prove useful to those who have not tried curried cabbage as yet... you know, a free taste test.

Who'd have ever thunk it.... skins to celerbrate pure farting power?
If the truth be known, while I do enjoy a serving of curried cabbage, I have absolutley no idea if it really has the gas producing qualities attributed throughout these threads. I fart even at the slightest exertion, regardless of what I've eaten, tho I must admit, the barks do seem much louder after a plate of my favourite fare.
So I guess it must.
Anyhow, while I'm no skinner, I'm up for the Vista logon and boot... maybe even a few cabbage icons for OD,. etc. 
BTW, Po, I quite like that start panel design... that is superbly spiffing, tho I wonder if the green could be a little lighter and more cabbage-like texture-wise.... and maybe the red panels more of a curry colour. Just a thought to give it a little bit more authenticity, tho, you're the man with the talent and ability, so far be it for me to offer more than suggestions.
And Doc, that start button idea is just the ticket.... love it.

As for the avatar....hmmm...a certain Ozzie comes to mind.
Would that pose be with or without green gas cloud??