And no one even knows his name.
this is the attendant that no-one knows
Nah, weren't me.... must've been a relative. I once considered opening a curried cabbage kiosk there, but that was thwarted on the first day's business by several animals escaping their enclosures to get at the delicious offering in the car park. Yup, many would-be zoo patrons were scared off by frenzied and ferocious animals.
Shoot, even the sloth was baring its teeth and running around frantic like it was ready to chew somebody's leg off... though I think the turning point was when one of the lions ate a keeper and a couple of gazelles to shorten the queue in front of it.

I told you don't let him out of the cage! Now what we gonna do? He'll run rampant all over OZ with his little iPhone and stuff sending goodness knows how many e-farts to people.
Um, like I don't have an iPhone... don't need one, well not to ditribute eFarts. Nope, eFarts are pre-programmed to follow the airwaves, trade winds and natural breezes until they're in the vicinity of the intended recipient's moblie phone, where it is released in all its glory upon verification of the recipient's number.
Ain't technolergy grand... and it saves having to pay mobile providers conveyancing fees.

Recently starkers' 'puter went on the fritz...turned out his mouse died due to the toxic barks.
So, being a Bonza Mate of 'is and 'is lady oi bourght 'im a mouse tha' should last a whoile.
Yeah, and it came at a pretty penny, I'll tell ya! Yup, it's one of the HAZMAT mouses and is so expensive because it is covered with a starkerbark resistant polymer that, while still in its experimental/developmental stage, is impervious to C4 blasts, which was considered as essential to countering "second helping" starkerbarks.

Good on you Doc. I hope it came with lots of flubber suits. They have these new and improved versions.......they're supposed to be reusable.
Yeah, I've heard about those re-usable ones. Trouble is, because they're skin-tight and have to be peeled off (much like a condom, I guess), they are sometimes re-used inside out and wearers have been overcome by the lingering results of previous starkerbarks. So yeah, they need a little more work before they are considered safe.