Then we are agreed. starkers face gets to plaster itself on the promo.
Who's all agreed? I seem to recall having some reservations... er, trepidation regarding that prospect. If this dial even scares the shit out of me when I first wake up and look in the mirror, it's gonna frighten the bejesus out of poor unsuspecting users who download this WB... unaware of the contents/added extra.
Ya gotta remember, I've had 56 years to get accustomed to this mug, and if I'm still having trouble with that, how are users of this blind gonna cope? I mean, c'mon, have some consideration for the faint of heart... those with delicate constitutions who don't have cast-iron stomachs.

Which reminds me of a time when I 'thought' that I was God's gift to women and bragging about having the kind of face that turned womens heads. My then g/f quickly retorted: "And it doesn't do their stomachs any good, either!"

Did I mention that you will be at my mercy in photoshop?
Like (as mentioned above) you could do anything in PS to detrimantally alter my looks?
From where I'm sitting... ANYTHING would be a major improvement.