As for the taskbar buttons, I like the 2nd from the left and last on the right... and yeah, the same colour as the All Programs button on the start panel would look nicer.
I still feel the poles need to be shorter and maybe even for the discs to be slightly smaller. For some reason they look a little out of proportion with the rest of the panel... like size-wise they almost take up as much screen real estate as the main panel area, which should be given the primary focus as it contains all the important information, I believe.
I think this is what I was trying to say the other day, that it's more a perspective/focus thing (rather than a real estate issue... or more than) and that some elements/features should not stick out like dogs balls to steal too much focus from others.... if you know what I mean.
OK, here's another way of putting it! The poles and signs in Las Vegas have a whole skyline/cityscape to utilise/blend into, whereas the desktop is a limited space and perhaps some adjustments on the idea are needed to fit nicely within the confines, perameters of this space. Dunno if that makes any more sense or not, but that's how I'm seeing it. Please don't get me wrong here, I love the idea and thinks it's a cracker of a concept, but that's just me.
Maybe I'm just too fussy an old fart.... and all the gas has gone to my head. 
I also think the gas masks would look good with bloodshot eyes behind them... and a tear or two (to reflect just how potent curried cabbage really is) rolling down/starting to appear.