Are you an SD employee, a spokesperson for SD or an SD user?
Not an employee. He is a Master Skinner with a better understanding of windowblinds than most. He EARNED his title and the priviliges that come with it. * I had to come back and add this...How in the hell do you complain about anything to do with windowblinds, say you love it and you love them all, and NOT know who vstyler is? I mean..come on. You MUST have at least one of his skins. Where do you people come from?!?!?!?!?!?!? You remind me of the guy that thought Jethro Tull was a person.
but many downloaded Windows 7 over Vista, thereby making WB useless.
That was their choice. Niether SD or MS stated the two would be compatible.
I wrongly assumed WB7 would be out within 3-4 months.
'Assuming' will get you almost every time.
No matter how perfect WB7 is there will always be some complainers
Just like when XP came out and then Vista. But let's not forgot how much of a fubar the realease of Vista turned out to be. SD is doing the responsible thing. They have customers who would prefer to wait for the most stable version of w7 and wb. Not to mention their reputation. Go to and look at most poular desktop enhancements. SD has almost cornered the the top 10.
Also, those who have downloaded w7 may not be purchasing it or the actual upgrade when it is finally available due to money or whatever. There are still a lot of die hard XP users out there to back that up.
I get tired of folks who act like SD 'owes' them something just because. You got what you paid for. When you buy the software or renew there is nothing that even guarantees they ever will or have to upgrade jack . Yet no one ever gives them credit for the quality of their product or the fact that they do respond and stay on top of developemnts in WIndows and other apps. It's always just' gimme, gimme, gimme'.
I don't believe I have ever seen SD say 'Shut up and wait' or even imply it. They have always been very forthcoming with what they are doing...perhaps not in the timely fashion desired by the instant-gratification- generation is accustomed to. I don't know. No one is saying that anyone has to 'shut-up', but don't expect a warm response from anyone when you complain, either. Those people don't have to 'shut up and listen'.
Sorry if that sounded harsh. I just get tired of opening a new thread and it's more of the same. I've only been here for a few years but I remember a time when there was less whining and more praising.