Thank you to everyone for the well wishes and concern, it is much appreciated. This is one heck of a community and I am proud to call each and every one of you friend... you're a great bunch of people and I'm so glad you're all here.
I'm also grateful for the funnies and humour. Fortunately there are no referral pains from my gall bladder to my funny bone, so I'm still able to laugh and enjoy a bit of fun. Like they say, laughter is the best medicine, so I'm most fortunate to have such a great bunch of people contributing to my merriment during this rather uncomfortable time.
After spending almost 3 years in the very same hospital back in the 70's, I didn't want to spend a minute longer there than I had to, so I was more than happy to come home when it had all settled down and they said I could go. However, the amazing Doc rang me last night with some important info and I shall be heading back there a little later today... probably for a few days to get this thing sorted once and for all. It isn't going to go away on its own, and it does flare up from time to time, so I'm probably looking at an op to fix it.
I must say a special thank you to you, Doc, your call last night really helped a lot and I appreciate the info you provided ... not to mention the laughs at a time when I needed them a lot. Why is it that illness always seems worst at night? Yup, your call helped pass some time when my pain and discomfort wasn't the best, so for that, many, many thanks... you're a legend, my friend.
Again, thank you to all for the well wishes... you folks are great and a sterling bunch.