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That's exactly what I think of this modern day speak as well... it's a LoAd oF oLd BoLlOcKs and shUd bE BaNnedeD.
Of course, I blame the bloody Americans, ya know. I mean, first off they dump the King's tea in Boston Harbour and, in a bid to Americanize him, send coffee instead. Then, to add insult to injury, they ridicule his being a stickler for using correct English and sent a disrespectful letter of intent to cecede from the colonies by using the letter Z (ed) where an S should have been, and dropping the U in words that should contain it... like honour and valour, etc.
Yup, that's where the bastardisation of the English language began orright.... and to add greater disregard to the insult (on top of the injury), the Yanks then go rewrite the damned dictionary to display a consolidated rebellion against the Mother Country. What's worserer is that when non-US persons write using correct English, as it was intended to be spelt, then the damned Yankee spell checkers tell us it's effing wrong. Sheesh, no wonder the World is going to the dogs... if we can't agree on how to spell honour, we ain't never gonna agree on World peace.
The thing is, now we have a generation of young Americans who are bastardising the language to an even greater extent. Not only are they insulting Her Majesty, they are also making a mockery of their own bastardised incarnation of the language. However, while I see this as youthful rebellion and thumbing their noses at the establishment, I do believe there is a greater, far more insidious conspiracy afoot... that there is a higher power (possibly even Google) with an evil agenda that will be cast upon us all using the internet.
The youth of today haven't exactly dumped tea in the harbour (probably because they realise it ain't such bad stuff after all), and they've not dumped coffee, either, but this (possibly Google?) inspired bastardisation of both the British and US way of writing/spelling English is the beginning of a new revolution... a new war of independence that's intended to bring old establishments to their knees. And in some ways I can't say as I blame them... I mean, look what Wall St and the bankers did...
The thing is, do we want to give Google all that power? I think not! So let's restore the English language to its former glory by boycotting all internet sites using bastardised English... these conspirators will soon see the folly of their ways when the 'hits' go way down and the revenues from advertisers come screaming to a halt.