the clear all seems to clear all except weather zip code
had no trouble this time running it and creating a new
color change - the icons change, the weather/cpu text changes, the calender text on the center molecule doesn'
will the wall eventually change to a different color too?
I don't think the FF hanging is strictly due to Microbe even though it appears to only happen when it's running...
I still get a hang with FF clicking on any of the window buttons - I get the glow on mouse over, I click and nothing happens except the glow stays - using motoXP b1
IE is fine as are regular folder window, wb config, etc - seems to just be FF - have waited over 60 secs = nada
hmmm... just switched skins a couple of times - vienna2, xenomorph, antares - checking a few with/without those extra (midi?) buttons - FF is fine with those - but even though Antares has the keep on top switch it doesn't have the others moto has...
have to find another.....
gotta be the buttons...
Alien Technology has extra buttons (pin on top & media player on top left, winamp bottom left plus calc and notepad bottom right)
initially had about an 8 sec delay from pressing min to actually minimizing - tried several times same delay - after a few minutes, no more delay
clicking calc or notepad on the ff window either had no effect or ff went dead until minimizing/restoring from the taskbar
unload microbe everything works
clicking calc or notepad on the IE window worked with microbe running
motoxp has a transparency button - thought AT had one too, but I can't find it if it does... need to find another that does to see what happens...
gonna have to test some more themes out now...