One question though, will it feature full transparency like this beauty?
For Vstyler and others, I solved the problem wherein setting the explorer backgrounds to 100% transparent (or 0% solid/opaque if you prefer) causes an empty explorer folder's background to go solid black.
Turns out that taking the slider all the way to the left gives WindowBlinds a headache, but all you have to do is click on the slider widget and hit the right arrow key on your keyboard once. It won't even cause the widget to move visibly (you can check your input by hitting hit a couple more times, to see it move a nudge).
This sets the background to a fraction of a percent solid, which, although NOT noticeable visibly, does stop WindowBlinds from getting a headache from the technique (probably by thwarting a divide by 0 error or something similar). So this simple tweak gives perfect results and no bug.
Now I am looking forward to the Naked WB release even more.