Not too shabby. Other than keeping the secret, since I'm not sure how she'd take it, and I don't want to hurt her. It's nothing sexual, no.
So you CAN relate to at least one female without viewing them as an object? Can you not see that she has the same physiology as the "things" you see in porn? And yet you know that inside that physiology is a person, a mind, a heart, and a psyche that you don't want to hurt. Hmmmm....I think you just need to start
thinking about what's going on when you want to turn to porn. In the AA Big Book, alcoholics in recovery are asked to think about what they're
really feeling when they want to turn to a drink....and use the acronym HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) and find more appropriate means to alleviate those needs.
I'm also curious...where was your mother when you were 8-12 and looking at porn?

I'm not judging her -- I was aware when my children were looking at porn; we all rebelled together. They were in their teens, and I was in my late 30s, freshly divorced from a controlling man I had been married to for 16 years, and I had lost my faith in my religion, so there was no reason, in my mind, to not indulge, in all sorts of vices--and that grew old and we moved on. I'm curious as to why some, like my family, were able to move on, and some, like yourself, got stuck.