Hey everybody,
Today I spend a bunch of time downloading almost every web browser I could find and trying each one out. I just wanted to hear some opinions from other people. Here's what I found.
Internet Explorer: Pretty average browser. Not as fast as some browsers but still not very slow. It has a variety of options but they are limited. Simple and user friendly. Lite on memory and disc usage.
Mozilla Firefox: Faster than Internet Explorer. Many many many different skins and widgets and add on's. Its pretty lite on memory and disc usage. Firefox is basically what you make it. You can customize a lot of different things.
Opera: Opera is very similar to firefox but has a different look and different features. It has a different menu and you can customize each toolbar the way you want. You can also easily create your own widgets and use them on your desktop like DesktopX widgets. It comes with a Speed Dial page which is similar to Safari's homepage. You can list 9 different websites you frequently visit for ease of access. Its a very fun browser. Its not as lite on memory usage as firefox or IE, but worth it. I also found that it is faster than firefox, making it the fastest one I found.
Maxthon: Im sure many people here know of Maxthon. It is built the same way as internet explorer, but It has many more options. You can skin it very easily and add some custom features. It has many utilities built into it and there are some cool things like splitting the screen in half to view two pages at the same time. It is just as fast and lite as internet explorer, but has more of a personal touch.
Safari for Windows: This is still a new version that is being tested. It crashes here and there, and has issues with windowblinds. Safari is very plain but built to look like all mac software.....smooth and simple. It can run very slow at times, but is different from other web browsers. Its fun to try, but It would just be better to wait for a final version that doesn't crash as much. Also keep in mind that most mac software is not skinnable. (Its just always grey...)
Google Chrome: ah, Google Chrome. This browser is very very simple but you can make it more complex if you wish. Im not sure about customizing or skinning options, because I rarely use this browser. It is very lite and it is just as fast as firefox. Google is pretty powerful and Im sure they will come out with some impressive add on's and upgrades to this browser. The only thing is........Google has Petabytes (A petabyte is 1000 terabytes) of storage which they use to store your information. They keep records on every website you go to, and what you like to do. They sell this information to advertising companies just like Facebook does. Its all in the terms of service......If anyone takes the time to read those....just be careful.
Konqueror: Well, this is a relatively new browser and it is still in the testing stage for windows and mac. I really like the way it is set up because not only is it a web browser, it is also a file manager and universal document viewer. I was very impressed with all of the options and everything that comes with Konqueror. When you download it, you have the choice of downloading near 100 other applications to go with it. When the final version comes out, I have high expectations for it and I'm really looking forward to it.
Flock 2: Flock 2 is a pretty cool looking browser and is made basically for social services. It integrates sites such as facebook, myspace, youtube, twitter, yahoo mail, ect. It keeps track of status updates and notifications so It could be convenient for all you social networking people out there. It is a pretty cool looking browser, however I am not sure about skinning or customizing.
Well this is all I have to offer for browsers. I will keep looking into them and let everyone know if there is a cool one out there. In the meantime, If anyone wants to share opinions about these browsers, or maybe some other ones I didn't mention, please reply and let everyone know. Thanks and I hope this helps everyone in the way of finding the perfect web browser.
I am currently using Opera.