Its true that wisdom increases with age as wisdom is not theoritical knowledge of facts but its experience gained in life with the passage of time. As you are more older your wisdom should increase.
But thats one side of a coin. The other side is that practical or behavioural knowledge not solely depends on 'age'. With the growing age, we have to face tougher situations. We have to face first-love-shock during teenage, later have to take care of our families, get jobs, there are social problems and then there are the kids!... and there is wear and tear of human body... the theory of ageing.....
If everything runs smooth then thats ok. But there comes a demanding time which tests our wisdom. We are wise if we keep our temper and lol if we lose it. However in the present world its not possible to be always ice(cool).
The truth is that no people in the world are wise.