I was hoping to get a new computer when Win 7 went public later this year but on Monday my old XP system decided to suddenly die. Power supply bit the dust and sort of messed up the motherboard and video card. Oh well, such is life, it lasted almost 5 1/2 years. Would still be using it today probably if I would have been paying attention.
It was an older Gateway 500 series, P4 2.6Ghz, 2GB ram (came with 512MB), 80GB HD CD and DVD and a diskette drive. Would you believe it sold as a Gaming PC.
Well it was replaced yesterday with what you might call an upgrade. Got another Gateway, LX6810-01. Check out the specs, it isn't the latest, fastest or best computer out there but for the money, which is less than half of what I paid for the one it's replacing, it's not bad and I get a whole lot more computer. http://www.gateway.com/systems/product/529668232.php
So now that I have a Vista Home Preimum 64 bit system wiith lots of memory and a good processor to play with how about a few pointers on what I should look out for. I turned of UAC. How about it working with Stardock programs, anything I should be aware of? I spent last night getting the ObjectDesktop Ultimate programs downloaded through Impulse. Sure glad they came out with Impulse, made setting up the new system very easy.
I guess now those Theme Manager Suites I've been doing will be set up for Vista.