i just need a serial numbre
buy the game and you will get one
In other words, don't post this issue in a public forum where others might read about it and not buy the game because of it.
no, in other words a public forum can't help you with serial number issues except to make suggestion in regards to things like:
O or o vs 0
a public forum can't help you with issues such as 'whoever you bought it from still has an active electronic account by which they are keeping the game therefore rendering your 3rd pary purchasing into little 'you were ripped' off piece'
an open forum can't determine if some guy at a retail store may be opening boxed set of stuff, stealing the numbers and selling them on line, then repackaging to sell you something already technically sold and in use
an open forum can't determine if the printing/packaging company screwed up and printed useless serials or if something glitched and they printed the same 10 serials over and over and over
in other words support can't deal with a particular serial issue without the particular serial in question and you really don't want to post it here so somebody else can get your number registered and working before you can, so direct contact with support is the best venue if you have a serial issue