It is part, at least. I am posting here to let you all know that you can go ahead and upload at will without fear of my pushing you off the page. I will reduce my uploads to a very slow trickle
Again I wish to thank you all for your patience, and I hope there are no hard feelings among us.
And again, thank you to Jafo and Spencer for helping me with this trying ordeal. Here's to hoping that the New WC will have tools for avoiding this kind of thing in the future. And I hereby vow: I will NEVER try to change my nick again!!!! 
Hello guys. I have just recieved a couple of complaints for flooding the galleries. I thought I would write this post to apologize for the trouble.
As most of you know, I have had site problems for over a year now. There have been a lot of headaches for me, and for WC over this issue. As you also may know, I recently got a couple of real good fellers at WC to help me with this. One major drawback. I have to repopulate my site, one skin at a time.
Needless to say, those of you who upload much realize, with the current state of the website, this is a formidable task. I am having to remake screenshots, reupload every skin one by one, half the time getting errors, and starting over. I too realize that this causes some problems for other skinners getting thier stuff seen. I apologize for this. I have been instructed to do it this way by WC Staff. They told me that either way, it wasn't gonna be pretty.
I do not mean to be selfish or anything. As fellow skinners I ask this of you:
I have been patient for over a year, please be patient with me for just another day or two?
If I don't take care of this now, while I have willing help, I will be in limbo for another year. Yall don't want that do you?
So I ask, please be patient with me for a couple more days and this will be over.