Why is it that every time I go thru a drive thru, regardless of what I order, they always give me just one napkin?
Its called cost control.
I love it when we're in a hurry on a Sunday morning on the way to church, when we pull in to the Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru and order our bagels and donuts...for me, my wife, and 2 kids (our 9-month-old doesn't eat that stuff yet!
) and, like Bg stated, they give us one napkin. Then I don't notice it till I have driven off.
So there we are, 2 adults, who could probably do with 1 napkin each, and 2 kids who need 3 or 4 napkins each, and we have ONE NAPKIN!!! Next, you see us ripping our one precious commodity into 4 tiny thin pieces...