Why is it that every time I go thru a drive thru, regardless of what I order, they always give me just one napkin? I could order 2 happy meals and 2 value meals and they will put 1 napkin in the bag! Are they kidding me? The thing is that every one does this especially McDonalds, Wendys and Dunkin Donuts. We go to Dunkin Donuts almost every Sunday morning on the way to church. This week my hubby got smart; he said, "4 bagels w/ cream cheese, a coffee, and 2 orange juices, oh, and some extra napkins please." We received our order- 4 bagels with cream cheese, a coffee, 2 orange juices, and , you guessed it, 2 napkins!!! 
Is there a shortage of trees in the USA? Is this stupidness only happening in the Midwest?