I came home for lunch and there was a reply from stardock support. I don't have time to do what he suggested until tonite, but I thought I'd post the reply in case it can help anyone else. If that's wrong, I apologize...
Here's my email to support...
My system is XP SP3. I did the big update of Impulse the other day, got this message (or something like this)...
"Impulse is unable to connect to download service on your computer. Please ensure the Background Intelligent Service and the COM+ event System service are enabled on your machine and restart Impulse"
Then I had to do a hard shutdown and when I restarted, everything looked okay, message was gone and I started up Impulse and it seemed to be fine.
Just now, I started Impulse and installed 'Impulse Dock', restarted my machine. Checked out the newly installed Dock (which is awesome by the way), but then when I went to start Impulse, I kept getting an error message #140362 saying it's encountered a problem and needs to close. I can't get it to open.
Any idea on how to fix. Should I do a full-install from the web/ Would that correct it. And if so, do I uninstall Impulse first?
And here's the reply I received...
This is an issue that has been past on to the developers already. For now uninstall through the control panel and reinstall through the full installer: http://www.impulsedriven.com/impulse_setup_full.exe
My recommendation is to avoid the Impulse Dock for now as it appears to possibly be the source of this issue after the update.
Please let me know whether this resolves your problem or if you have any additional questions.