got a face lift!
Yeah, I wondered that... tho no amount of cosmetic surgery is gonna help. The furrows on Doc's brow/face are deep enough to plant potatoes....
Word has it that his plastic surgeon found a couple of lost harvesters during the last op.

Neurotics build castles in the sky.
Psychotics live in them.
Psychiatrists collect the rent.
And bankers skim the psychiatrists bank accounts to afford more nuerotics mortgages build more castles in the sky... bit of a viscious circle, really. Behind every condo in the sky there's a shrink and a banker. That's why I stopped seeing my shrink... he was got me all relaxed and comfortable on his couch, then tried to sell me time-share in his new cloud-based condo.

There really is an exit, Captn?
If there is, I don't see anybody queueing up to get out. 
starkers, if you're on east 3rd street and hang a left, you'll be on the tennis courts. there is no choice but to be on west 3rd street. your gps is wrong. i'd take it back.
Ah, but are we talking about East 3rd Street South or East 3rd Street North? And then, is that East 3rd Street South in the Northern Quadrant or the Southern Quadrant... or East 3rd Street North in the Southern Quadrant? There is a difference, you see. If it's East 3rd Street South in the Northern Quadrant, you end up at the tennis courts, but if you take East 3rd Street North in the Southern Quardant you end up at the Pink Bordello.
On the other hand, if you take West 3rd Street South, hang a left and travel 2 blocks you end up at the refuse tip... and taking East 3rd Street North in the Southern Quadarant, hanging a left and traveling 2 blocks will take you to the courthouse, next door to the shop with the green and red door that sells fake replicas on West 3rd Street North in the Southern Quadrant.
I mean, we don't wanna confuse poor Debbie and get her lost now, do we! 
Just don't go too far on 3rd street. I turns into 6th before you know it.
Now is that before the intersection of 9th and 3rd or after? And is that on East 3rd Street or West 3rd Street? And is that East or West 3rd Street North or South in the Southern or Northern Quadrants?
It's important, you see.... 6th Street only goes 3 blocks and it becomes West 6th Street North in the Southern Quadrant, East 6th Street South in the Northern Quadrant and East-West 6th Street North in the North Eastern Quadrant.
Yeah, I know, it's as clear as mud to you now, but it will soon become apparent to you ... that I'm as equally lost and confused.