It seems that Fred, Garbageman to those who don't know him as Fred, has just had a Birthday.....since he is a quiet man who likes his privacy and didn't announce to anyone that it was his Birthday, although I found out from another person, who pleads the 5th, and does not want to be revealed as the I heard that he wanted to keep it on the quiet, I had this overwhelming rush of communtiy love and compassion to shout it out to the world, that it is and most definitely was Garbagemans Birthday here's to you Fred, Happy, Happy Birthday my great and loyal friend, a better man I never knew....I hope you have many, many more......and just ja.....Happy Birthday you old Frog...Hip Hip Hurray....Hip Hip Hurray.....and another get the picture Ha Ha Ha Ha Happy, Happy Birthady me ole spoon, hope you had a grand ol' day....cheers Fred
.......and then.........