Left Monitor - Winamp with the ClearOne skin, CD Art Display for art and lyrics (modified Celluloid skin), and an autohiding Object Dock tabbed dock for projects in development. All of my desktop shortcuts are usually found here but they are currently hidden by the double-click feature of Fences.
Middle - At the bottom is a zoomer dock for key directories and applications featuring the truly exquisite British Library icon set with VistaCurve as the Background. On the left is another zoomer dock that replaces the taskar functionality (the HAL icon is my START button) with the "always show thumbnails" option turned on. The WindowBlinds is INVI 5V from 007TINAR. I've adjusted the explorer window backgrounds to go completely to glass when inactive and to match the vellum-like quality of the skin when active. Hidden off screen at the top is an autohiding, non-magnifying dock with all of my Internet favorites.
Right - At the bottom is another tabbed dock for misc programs and links (ones I haven't integrated into the main dock yet) and a slew of Vista Sidebar gadgets. Among these are eight of my custom modified MS Slideshow gadgets (larger, no background/frame, 10 minute limit). They update every 1-10 minutes, drawing from my art library of over 400,000 pieces. All slideshow gadgets are set to 80% opacity so they highlight and become 100% opaque when mousing over them. Hidden off-screen at the top is an autohiding, non-magnifying dock that replaces the system tray.
The backgrounds for all three monitors are animated:
The Left and Middle monitors are running the updated Photo Dream master dream, pulling selected images from my art library. These two monitors share the same primary display adapter, #1.
The Right monitor is playing a Winamp Milkdrop 2 visualization, called shifter - feathers (angel wings)_phat_Updated_remix, but it's set only to play on the desktop background of monitor 3 (which has its own display adapter, #2). Windows Live Messenger is usually running in the lower right hand corner.
This is all on Vista64 SP2 beta.
This image has been sized down to fit within the 3000x3000 limit set by WC.