Making a post to your disatisfaction is one thing.. to prattle on for months in multiple posts allover the place, gets to be old. One is considered a disatisfied customer the other tends to often be looked upon in a negative light. Especially if overly vocal and excessive complaining of a few becomes more of a public nuisance.
Sure I have been disapointed that OD had not gotten a lot of love lately, but occasionally expressing my dissatisfaction with someting is quite a bit different than goin on and on and on and on,making an obsession out of it. Theres this phrase about beating a dead horse.....
I also Do know that when it is released it will most likely be well worth the wait. The SD crew has yet to fail to go above my expectations on a prog update.
I think you're just aren't showing any understanding. OD2, to some people, is like the public option for healthcare to us. Would I ever quit pestering my elected officials on this? NO WAY! You know what they say about the squeaky wheel...and this wheel has been squeaking for over a year.
I know you're thinking (and Stardock's thinking) is it will be ready, when it's ready....but the converse of that is the squeaking will stop when the grease is applied.
The difference is, with the governemt you have a larger right and duty to request change for the betterment of society, it will be answered/ honored if the majority agree, but then you pay large sums of cash weekly to the government. so you should expect a decent say in it's use.... On the other hand for a mere $20 I don't think anyone should have to put up with some of the agrivated attitudes I've seen in some of the posts. As well as this is a private company not a public institution that we can demand action from. Yes folks can express thier disatisfactin.. but on the same token $20 dont buy folks the freedom to abuse or harass.