Can I guess who this thread's about?
I don't see anything wrong with remembering other times. Especially since Brad was one of the founders of Windows skinning and my company helped bring skinning to the mainstream. Some of our Windows Media Player skins shipped with the player and were placed on well over 300 million Windows computers.
I think I've earned the right to bring up old times. If you feel threatened that's on you. No one's taking "today" away from you by talking about "yesterday" are they?
I come back when my product is the subject of a forum thread here. You don't want me back, stopped posting about my intellectual property.
Shelby: Could you possibly be more melodramatic? Doubtful. You sound like someone who has no life if I can get you so riled up that you had to stay home to "see how this mess turned out". You'd have your lawyer contact me? Would you like my business address? "I don't like the man at all!" Who cares? You're not on my Christmas list either. You need some serious medication?
Yeah I made lite of everything toward the end. It's a forum. Who cares? The American recession is in full swing, we're in 2 wars, my friend who's an Airborne Ranger may have to go back to Iraq for a year after serving in Special Forces and being on IRR for over a year and a half. Arguing about a theme is ridiculous. I like to blow off some steam with some of you who take little passive aggressive shots at our work. But if you think I'm sitting here fuming (like Shelby does) over some pot shots in a forum, then you don't know me well at all.
Green beer's on Shelby. After he places the pipebomb in the package addressed to me