FUNNY! Kibbles of the Dark Side of The Pooch!
I'm going to be totally unconsolable when she dies (she was diagnosed with cancer 8 months ago). I
thought I loved a dog as much as I could when I had the one before her, but when I was back in Kansas for my son's wedding I saw pictures of that one and it took me a few minutes to even
recognize which dog that was! (Hazards of returning to Kansas...having to endure the pictures of my past life that I
purposely left behind because I wanted to reinvent my life).
This one...Baby dog....she's almost human. I have never,
ever, in my 17 years of dog training/raising experience known a dog to be this communicative. She will totally pull that "Lassie" thing, where she'll use her face to show you where she wants you to go, and if you don't "get it" she'll touch you with her paw, and then walk back and forth from where you're sitting to where she wants you to go; and she gets concerned when there is strife in the house, and she'll whine/cry when someone is arguing, even if its the rats wrestling with each other!