I watched this on a TV news channel, then I googled and found this article. Will it start, what do you think?
According to this article, it will be started by terrorists and not a country.
Can we afford to let it happen? Perhaps or surely not! But can we stop it from happening... Yes if the whole world acts soon and No if we wait because it is already too late, still there is some time left...
Whether for good or bad reason, we have created one group of ignomined people that feels looted... and misusing their disgrace are some leaders who claim to be their saviour, but are they really?
It will be really unfortunate if we could not learn from our history. And we repeat the same blunders which threatens not only human civilisation but the whole life on our Earth.
Forget the consequences of first and second world war, if it happens our Earth will not be able to give us shelter anymore. AQ khan has done all the things to supply nuclear technique to pootentially dangerous countries. Iran develops them unnoticed and Libya pays to get them. Any nuclear war will be much than needed to increase the environment temperature to critical value. Ice will melt and oceans will boil. Where would you live?
You might say that I am worrying too much but really Its not much. This terrorist group is not too new. It started some 30 years ago. Soviet Republic did everything to curb them but couldn't stop them to grow. Now, its US and Britain from a decade but they too failed till now as we can see their power is still increasing because they all jooined hands...
But where is the mistake... perhaps a void is left whenever a country is invaded leaving a class of 'disgraced and unsatisfied' people...True we did it for betterment of world but what we missed was any attempt to prevent their miind to go towards terror. We didn't do anything to educate them or to make them understand or to develop their crushed land and economy and eventually the leaders captured them with brainwash. We destructed their areas but didn't construct it again.
If we cut a weed, it will grow again and with many branches... but if we rout it and plant some grains the frequency of weeds will decrease. This weed is now wodespread...
Let us see what happens.