I bet it depends on context.
Im still runing Windows 3.1 games on my Vista 64... and yes they were mostly games.. but still work perferctly.
Excluding games I still have a handfull of apps Im still using running, and have never failed me.
Others failed in terms of directx or similar (some would succeed with tricks of changes to files it used.
Others woudl require hacks or replacement over time.
My oldest favorite is classic Startrek (Jaworski)..
Obviously many high end games or etc... definately or even high end database stuff I would agree.
While there are other apps (win3.1) that would require virtualization or some varient of emulation...im running about 10 old games that are win95b or older... with no changes to code or method to run them..
If you think pure code, then yes, 16bi
Btw, simply recompling is not always the answer.. though Im sure they might have tried it and hit some brick walls.
Ive been successful and failed on recompiles of past efforts... Most successful was taking a OLD app written in C+ and recompiling it with current stuff (some minor changes) and it worked fine... Others took too much work to bother with recompile soley.
As far as start menu, agreed the keyboard 'windows' button is how i am ignoring the objectdocks lack of a startmenu on 64bit.
Instead of doing a 'socalled' startmenu' .. is there in windows (question to stardock')...a simple way to execute a keyboard press such as the windows button.. that would be a workaround, wouldnt it?
EVEN SO, till I see it actually work without buying it, I wont buy..
Its better to have a time limit on product than to have a product not working in part.
I would rather see a product working, and may even more than normal price than to have a limited capability product and have to takeonfaith that it will work when purchased.
Even Microsoft has trial but full capability on their stuff...
Meaning a time limit or similar..
Shoot If I saw it working I would buy a multi-pc license (for up to 8 pc's - All family) and pay up to $250 for a family pack if possible.
But with it working only in part, I figure its zero $$ till I see it work.
As it is even with the 'startmenu' workaround, and the systray only working to show current apps and not all the systray icons... is not good enough even so to totallly eliminate the 'windows taskbar.
Till then its not worth paying for..
Btw, on my dell laptop I did replace the DELLDOCK with objectdock.
(PC is 64bit vista, laptop is 32bit vista but is 64bit capable).
With win7 or other I figure on going 64bit in full on both (per database work and other, i do have need to be that)>
Ive actually had a vista 32 bit pc (same model/brand) of a friends (was reconfiging it for him) and even without doing database work I found the vista 64bit pc working a lot faster and better than the same pc (32bit)..
Yes some apps no difference.. .but overall my 64bit pc was running faster/better most of the time.