I shortcircuited my harddrive a few days ago... So I've reinstalled everything, which means my desktop is fairly unextraordinary at the moment. It does NOT mean that the individual parts are not awesome though... 

That's what I got for now. Here's a quick roundup:
What's running? Fences, OD+, Xion, DesktopX widgets, CursorFX
WB: (recolored) Tigris (Tiggz) ; CFX: (recolored) Harmony (J. Aroche) ; Xion: Arco (Photobrigade) ; Wall: A little excercise (propaganda tile) ; OD Icons: Delta (J. Aroche) ; DX: (Through DockletX by Littleboy) Checkmail docklet (by fedroponce) and Clock docklet (by Haitham Al-Beik)