im the same, anxiety attacks, i cant walk up the street, i wont open my door when i hear someone knock on it. I refuse to leave my house unless its a dire necessity like paying my rent. Constant voices in my head, (that alone drains me alot) I cant take out my rubbish.....the list is endless. I have to be careful with my penion too....ive gone on shopping sprees and been on a bi polar high and spent the whole lot, only to realize that i needed it for living, rent ect.....coming down is harder, you have to realize what you did, and try to fix it......
so for most of us, me included, just doing normal things is almost impossible alot of the time.
Most people are ignorant to mental illness, they either lable you crazy or an attention seeker, im deffinatley crazy, but not attention seeking, i want anything but that, but its hard to explain to someone who is sane and can live life normally and do things that we cant.
Ive been bipolar and borderline schiztophrenic for over 10 years.....and my own mother still wont even read up about it on the internet so she can understand me better. I have been labeled the 'fruitcake" of the family. but ive accepted it now, its not my fault,
i didnt ask to be born this way, so i just take it on the chin now...
either way....enough of my very proud of you..!!! so woot woott!!!
......the mind can be a real assh*le to deal with.......glad you won over!! I hope anyone reading this, will think twice in future about berating people with a mental illness... try living a day in our shoes...its not easy. or even a day where you just cant get out of bed, or start sobbing bitterly for no reason other than you are depressed and dont even know why you are crying......its tough.