Simple question...
oh, not really... probably explains the lack of response....
In ObjectDock Plus, in ConfigurationWindow-Themes there is a Package images for sharing section which looks like it will pull the images and background you're using in whatever dock you have loaded up. Don't really know exactly what all it pulls, but fairly certain it will not grab any icon images or backgrounds you don't happen to be using at the moment. Or any docklet programs. Or probably a lot of other things.
The "Save current dock" doesn't include any icons, not even the ones you're using at the moment. The icons will have to be seperately copied over to the new machine, and in the same path as they are on the old machine before you run Object Dock the first time. If not, you will get a bunch of generic icons the first time you load the docks, and I think (but not sure) that the references to the old icons won't be there anymore after that so you would have to re-choose new icons for each item even after you copy the images over. Sidenote also: the icons are loaded from their referenced point each time you load up Object Dock, it does not create its own duplicates of them anywhere, so if you move an icon image after you've chosen it in Object Dock will lose track of it and the generic icon will appear.
"Save current dock" saves the positioning and shortcuts (again - not the actual icon images), essentially what docks you have where and what's in them, references to the icons you are using, and references to the background you have applied. It doesn't actually save any of the actual programs for docklets that you've added after installation, so you'd have to re-load those as well. It doesn't actually save the background itself (much in the same way as the icons) so you'd want to copy off the backgrounds as well.
In other words:
Use "Save current dock" save your layout - creates a file (all paths are XP, don't know Vista) C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\My Documents\ObjectDock Library\Backed Up Themes\[ThemeName].ini
Make a copy of everything in C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\My Documents\ObjectDock Library including subdirectories
Make a copy of everything in C:\Program Files\Stardock\ObjectDock including subdirectories
Make a copy of whatever directory your icon image are in (they might very well already be covered in the previous steps)
Install OD on the new machine.
Reboot, unload (as in exit) OD. Personally at this point I'd also make a copy of all the above directories from the new installation as well, in case I accidently overwrote something I regretted.
Copy off all of the things you copied from the old installation to the new one, with icons particularly in the same paths they were. I'd copy at the file level instead of entire directories because I wouldn't overwrite any files on the new installation in case there are newer versions of something out there. If it does get overwritten and causes a problem, hey, you've already got a backup of the fresh installation though, right?
Cross your fingers, start up OD, and load your theme.
I'm sure I've forgotten something or gotten something wrong, so the invitation is open for corrections. Had to start somewhere though.