No more the GIF limitations (only 256 colors \1 alpha channel with poor transparency support)
now with the format AnimatedPNG (APNG) we have all the PNG quality going to replace all the GIF animations
... at the moment only browsing with Firefox 3 or Opera 9.5 (also on XnView and KSquirrel)
AW we can run the APNGs locally as throbbers or splash screens or just for fun (drag&drop the file into an open page)
The results are stunning the same as the animated icons only running on the great "animated shortcut" docklet !
Have a look at
+ try my first APNG uploaded on the Wincustomize gallery :
Are you ready ? with the "APNG Edit" addon on Firefox 3 assemble all the pngs already created for the new skin:
+ please come back for your skinner comment !