Freeware Tips is a great online resource for freeware (Powered by MyFreeForum). Wheither you're looking for educational programs, computer customization programs, games, etc: etc: Then we've got what you need.
However Stardock may get a little ticked at me as I posted some free alternatives to ObjectBar, WindowBlinds, and even SoundPackager on there, and of course other free alternatives to other programs like PhotoShop, and Flash for example.
There are other sections where you can post tips on free programs, show your work, post wallpapers, desktop screenshots, cursors, icons, generators, funny pictures, videos, show a great website, and much much more.
Keep in mind that if you're not registered you will only see a limited part of the forum, registered members will see everything on the forum, except for 1 section. Which the admins use to test codes
Now the forum hasn't been getting a whole lot of interaction lately except from the admins, and co-admins. So that's a bummer, but the members who are registered do seem to keep coming in so that's something at least.
Anyway I thought I'd show you guys it as it is a good resource, and a good way to make friends. However don't forget this place as the people on here are very smart, helpful, fun, cool, and so on.
I hope I don't get introuble for posting this topic though.