At last the day comes, every man fears for her girlfriend or wife will rob him of his wallet. And even after that she will say 'Darling! Don't you love me, this diamond looks like your face!' Then she will remind of ancient people in history about what they did for their love...

Some got killed, some buried and she wish that had you the same fortune so that she could find a new and hence interesting boyfriend with all the freedom...

While she will look for a new hero, she will ensure, you can't search an alternative to her. She will check you sms, call logs and spy on every action of yours by sending a super spy with the gift she got for you...

Thank God, It comes only once in a year.. but then some day she will murder your heart for the rest of the year...

And explaining the reason to her friends, she will proudly announce...

Cold soothing breeze will blow to burn your heart And you will keep wandering on the lonely streets...

Being the Heartburn...
So my dear friends... Beware always keep an alternative with you...
I have a few hearts...

More fun:...............source
What did the boy elephant say to the girl elephant on Valentine's Day?
I love you a ton!
What happened when the man fell in love with his garden?
It made him wed his plants!
What happened when the two angels got married?
They lived harpily ever after!
Why should you send your sweetie a valentine?
Because you always heart the one you love!
What did the boy bat say to the girl bat on Valentine's Day?
You're fun to hang around with!
What did the boy cat say to the girl cat on Valentine's Day?
You're purrr-fect for me!
What did the boy pickle say to the girl pickle on Valentine's Day?
You mean a great dill to me!
What did the boy bird say to the girl bird on Valentine's Day?
Let me call you Tweet heart!
What did the boy squirrel say to the girl squirrel on Valentine's Day?
I'm nuts about you!
What did the girl squirrel say to the boy squirrel on Valentine's Day?
You're nuts so bad yourself!
What did the boy rabbit say to the girl rabbit on Valentine's Day?
Some bunny likes you!
What did the painter say to her boyfriend?
"I love you with all my art!"
What does a man who loves his car do on February 14?
He gives it a valenshine!
What did the man with the broken leg say to his nurse?
"I've got a crutch on you!"
Did you hear about the romance in the tropical fish tank?
It was a case of guppy love.
What do you call two birds in love?
What do you call a very small valentine?
A valentiny!
What did Frankenstein say to his girlfriend?
"Be my valenstein!"
Why did the stupid boy put clothes on the valentines he was sending?
Because they needed to be ad-dressed!
Why is Valentine's Day the best day for a celebration?
Because you can really party hearty!
What did one oar say to the other?
"Can I interest you in a little row-mance?"
True Jokes......source
Perfectly Paired Puns
As Valentine's Day approached, I tried to think of an unusual gift for my husband. When I discovered that his favorite red-plaid pants had a broken zipper, I thought I had the "perfect Valentine." I had the pants repaired, and gift-wrapped them. On the package I put a huge red heart on which I printed: "My Heart Pants for You." I was the surprised one, however, when I saw the same heart taped to our formerly empty, but now overflowing, wood box. On it he had written: "Wood You Be My Valentine?"
-- Contributed by Mary Lou Pittman
A Little Nuts About Love
Driving through Southern California, I stopped at a roadside stand that sold fruit, vegetables and crafts. As I went to pay, I noticed the young woman behind the counter was painting a sign. "Why the new sign?" I asked. "My boyfriend didn't approve of the old one," she said. When I glanced at what hung above the counter, I understood. It declared: "Local Honey Dates Nuts"
-- Contributed by Theodore Bologna
Check Out a Romance
I met my husband while I was working in a science library. He came in every week to read the latest journals and eventually decided to take out the librarian instead of the books. After a year and a half of dating, he showed up at the library and started rummaging through my desk. I asked what he was looking for, but he didn't answer. Finally he unearthed one of the rubber stamps I used to identify reference books. "Since I couldn't find the right engagement ring," he said, "this will have to do," and he firmly stamped my hand. Across my knuckles, in capital letters, it read "NOT FOR CIRCULATION."
-- Contributed by Ruth E. Chodrow
Sweet Nothings (.com)
My boyfriend and I met online and we'd been dating for over a year. I introduced Hans to my uncle, who was fascinated by the fact that we met over the Internet. He asked Hans what kind of line he had used to pick me up. Ever the geek, Hans naively replied, "I just used a regular 56K modem."
-- Contributed by Anne McConnell
Pastoral Passion
The lingerie store where my aunt works was crowded with shoppers selecting Valentine's Day gifts for their wives. A young businessman came to the register with a lacy black negligee. My aunt noticed that the next customer, an elderly farmer, was holding a long flannel nightgown and kept glancing at the younger man's sexier choice. When it was his turn, the farmer placed the nightgown on the counter. "Would you have anything in black flannel?" He asked.
-- Contributed by Christine A. Pandolfo
9 to 5 Love
My husband, a certified public accountant, works 15-hour days for the first few months of the year. In spite of his hectic schedule, he took time out to order me flowers for Valentine's Day. While pondering what sweet endearment to write on the card, he obviously began thinking of the many hours of work still ahead of him. His note read: "Roses are red, violets are blue. If I weren't thinking of you, I'd probably be through."
-- Contributed by Cindy Wolf
Mower Than a Greeting Card
My friend Mark and I work in a lawn-mower-parts warehouse. Somehow Mark got the idea that his wife did not want a card on Valentine's Day, but when he spoke to her on the phone he discovered she was expecting one. Not having time to buy a card on his way home, Mark was in a quandary. Then he looked at the lawn-mower trade magazines scattered around the office -- and got an idea. Using scissors and glue, he created a card with pictures of mowers, next to which he wrote: "I lawn for you mower and mower each day." Mark's wife loved it. The card immediately graced their refrigerator door.
-- Contributed by Gene Hyde
Irresistable Irony
About a year had passed since my amicable divorce, and I decided it was time to start dating again. Unsure how to begin, I thought I'd scan the personals column of my local newspaper. I came across three men who seemed like they'd be promising candidates. A couple of days later, I was checking my answering machine and discovered a message from my ex-husband. "I was over visiting the kids yesterday," he said. "While I was there I happened to notice you had circled some ads in the paper. Don't bother calling the guy in the second column. I can tell you right now it won't work out. That guy is me."
-- Contributed by Pat Patel
Making the Grade
My high-school English teacher was well known for being a fair, but hard, grader. One day I received a B minus on a theme paper. In hopes of bettering my grade and in the spirit of the valentine season, I sent her an extravagant heart-shaped box of chocolates with the pre-printed inscription: "BE MINE." The following day, I received in return a valentine from the teacher. It read: "Thank you, but it's still BE MINE-US."
-- Contributed by Brad Wilcox
Read All About It
Every Valentine's Day our campus newspaper has a section for student messages. Last year my roommate surprised his girlfriend with roses and dinner at a fancy restaurant. When they returned from their date, she leafed through the paper to see if he had written a note to her. Near the bottom of one page she found: "Bonnie -- What are you looking here for? Aren't dinner and flowers enough? Love, Scott."
-- Contributed by Richard B. Blackwell
Devoted and Determined
During World War II my parents had planned a romantic Valentine's Day wedding. Suddenly my father, then stationed at Camp Edwards in Massachusetts, received orders to prepare to ship out, and all leaves were canceled. Being a young man in love, he went AWOL. He and my mother were married four days earlier than originally planned and he returned to base to an angry sergeant. After hearing the explanation, the sergeant understandingly replied, "Okay, okay!" Then, as an afterthought: "But don't let it happen again!"
-- Contributed by Sandra L. Caron