I can almost appreciate someone wanting to be paid for the windowblind if it's a completed high quality product
that's good....means you're almost there..... 
There will always be these posts for as long as people have little to no comprehension of what goes into making a windowblind....whether it's a nooby skin with a lot of hours and blood, sweat & tears put into them....or up to a masterskin....with years of dedication, finely honing their skills to provide the cream of the crop, they are all time consuming....and masterskins, well-made, are particularly time consuming. Some incorporate a finesse and fastidiousness and a striving for perfection that is nigh on beyond reason... I am particularly thinking of vStyler & IRBraniac when I say that...
There are many wonderful free skins...so it comes down to choice as to whether you wish to purchase one of these top echelon of skins or happily use the many fine skins that are free.
But......if you don't 'support your local skinner'....then you will find them a dying breed......and all that expertise and artistry is lost.....and we....are the biggest losers...all for what...the price of a cup of coffee....which I find embarrassing...now knowing what goes into them...
.....There have been individual masterskins I have purchased 2 & 3 times...and one..5 times...(Aust dollars I might add) and still felt embarrassed...and it makes me cringe to constantly read people whinging and whining about it...
One observation I would make in regards to masterskins...is that they all should have a detailed preview picture of what exactly is contained within the skin....and the standard for this should be vStyler's previews....and it should be mandatory for all masterskins...Stardock or otherwise...