I can already see the posts, some has ALREADY started (like this silly petition thing ) ... "Windowblinds doesn't work on my Windows 7, bootskin screwed up my Windows 7 it won't start... Stardock is so bad, I pay for this software yadda yadda" .... *shiver*
....all of which is entirely the fault of Microsoft, no-one else. It is THEIR beta OS which has been released to 'anyone' silly enough to think everything will/should function correctly under it.
It's a safe bet that the MAJORITY of people currently 'playing with' Win 7 probably really shouldn't. Certainly their expectations are clearly much higher than logic or good sense would allow.
If ANY proggy fails to work, correctly or at all - under Win 7....it is unfortunate, nothing more.
WHEN the OS goes Gold it is 'probable' that most programs 'expected' to work will do so.
Complaining about disfunction within a beta is of anecdotal [or developmental] interest only, nothing more...
Beta testing can be fun.....but when you sit there staring at a dead monitor with a faint wisp of smoke emanating from the tower....just smile....you're on the bleeding edge....